API Notes: ScriptingBridge framework

The full API is described in Apple’s documentation, both the C and Objective-C APIs are available (but see the API Notes below).

These bindings are accessed through the ScriptingBridge package (that is, import ScriptingBridge).

Basic usage

The Objective-C documentation for the scripting bridge frameworks focuses on static tools for creating proxy classes for scriptable applications. This is in general not needed when you’re programming in Python.

In Python you can just as easy create a dynamic proxy object:

iTunes = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("com.apple.iTunes")

This can then be used to call “AppleScript” methods, like this:

print iTunes.currentTrack().name()

API Notes

-[SBObject sendEvent:id:parameters]

This method is not supported at the moment. Please file an issue if you have a use-case for directly calling this method.