Object-graph serialization


Both Python and Cocoa have a standard way to serialize more or less arbitrary object graphs. In Python this is done using the pickle module, in Cocoa this is done with an “NSArchiver” or “NSKeyedArchiver” (for all objects that implemented the NSCoding protocol).

There is currently only one way to serialize an object graph that contains both Python and Cocoa objects: using Cocoa’s “NSKeyedArchiver” or “NSArchiver” classes (and preferably the former). At this time it is not possible to encode Cocoa objects using the pickle module.

Pickling support for Cocoa objects

It is currently not possible to serialize a arbitrary Cocoa object into a pickle archive due to slight incompatibilities in the overall serialization mechanism when dealing with possibly circular data structures.

It is possible to pickle a Python subclass of a Cocoa class when that Python class implements the “__reduce__” for “__reduce_ex__” hook (as documented in the documentation for the pickle module).

NSCoding support for Python objects

PyObjC implements the NSCoding protocol for any Python object that can be serialized using pickle (without out of band buffers). During serialization and deserialization PyObjC will use the same hooks and mechanisms as the pickle module.

Archiving instances of int, float, str (unicode in Python 2), bytes (Python 3 only), list, tuple, set, frozenset and dict (but not instances of subclasses of these types) with a plain, not keyed, archiver and will result in objects of the corresponding Cocoa type when reading them back, even when reading them back in Python. Programs than need high fidility when roundtripping object graphs therefore need to use keyed archiving when possible.

For the classes mentioned in the previous paragraph PyObjC implements “NSSecureCoding”, it doesn’t do so for other Python classes.

Python subclasses of a Cocoa class can only be archived when they implement the NSCoding protocol, that is the subclass must implement “initWithCoder:” and “encodeWithCoder:” to serialize the object state.


In macOS 10.8, an likely other OSX releases as well, the Cocoa collection classes cannot properly archive and unarchive object graphs with cycles between collections (like the code below).

a = []

Because of this serializing the graph below with an NSArchiver will result in a grabled datastructure when read back. The same will be true when archiving with NSKeyedArchiver and reading the archive back in pure Objective-C.

This is an unfortunate limitation in Cocoa that PyObjC cannot paper over.

Backward compatibility

The format used for serializing Python objects has changed a couple of times. Because of this it is not always possible to read back archives created with a newer version of PyObjC using older versions of PyObjC. As of PyObjC 3.0 there is a fairly good test suite for the NSCoding support in PyObjC and the intention is to not introduce further backward incompatible changes for keyed archiving, and only introduce changes for non-keyed archiver when there are no other solutions.

The following table lists the changes in the encoding, with “forward compatible” meaning that this version of PyObjC can read older archives, and “backward compatible” meaning that older versions of PyObjC can read back newer archives.








Encoding of pure python objects other than those with explicit support in PyObjC was broken for a number of edge cases.




Instances of unicode (or str in Python 3) or now archived as instances of NSString. These archives can be read back by pure Objective-C code, and when using using plain archiving the object will be read as an NSString instance in Python code.




Instances of basic types (…) are archived as instances of the Cocoa class when using a non-keyed archiver.




Changes in encoding of archives for OC_PythonData . These archives can now be read back by pure Objective-C programs when the python object has type bytes (only for Python 3)




Changes in encoding of keyed archives for OC_PythonArray. These archives can now be read back by pure Objective-C programs when the python object has type list or tuple.




Changes in encoding of keyed archives for OC_PythonDictionary. These archives can now be read back by pure Objective-C programs when the python object has type dict.




Changes in encoding of OC_PythonSet. Instances of set and frozenset can now be read back by pure Objective-C code when using keyed archiving.




OC_PythonDate and OC_BuiltinPythonData can now be used with archiving

Interoperability with pure Objective-C programs

A pure Objective-C program (that is, one where PyObjC is not loaded) can read back a limited subset of archives created by PyObjC.

In particular, the following subset of objects are encoded in such a way that they can be read back by pure Objective-C programs:

  • Instances of dict, list, tuple, set, frozenset (but not subclasses of these classes) when all values in these containers are compatible as well.

  • Instances of float, bool.

  • Instances of int (or long on Python 2) when the value can be represented as a 64-bit signed or unsigned integer.

  • Instances of unicode strings (str on Python 3 and unicode on Python 2), but not instances of subclasses of the builtin unicode type.

  • Instances of bytes, but only for Python 3

  • Instances of Cocoa objects that implement the NSCoding protocol.

NSSecureCoding support

Most builtin Python classes support the NSSecureCoding protocol, for those specific classes but not subclasses. Other python classes only support the non-secure NSCoding protocol because NSCoding support for these classes is based on the non-secure Pickle protocol.

The following classes support secure coding: