Test coverage information

This file is very much a work in progress…

The documentation in this file is focused on pyobjc-core, I’ll add information about framework bindings once I’m happy with code coverage for the core bridge as most interesting code is in the bridge itself.


Tooling for measuring test coverage helps deterimining if there are gaps in test coverage. When adding new tests to fill in gaps make sure to add tests that cover functionality, not just tests that cover particular lines in the source code.

The longer term goal is to reach close to 100% test coverage through functional tests.

Test coverage for C code in pyobjc-core

For internal APIs in pyobjc-core it can be useful to add tests for these APIs as well, especially to cover error cases that should never occur in real code. Add such tests to pyobjc-core/Modules/objc/ctests.m. But in general try to improve coverage with tests in python first.

The Makefile target “c-coverage” runs the test suite while collecting coverage information. This requires having lcov on the system running the tests, and currently requires an arm64 system.

It is possible to mark lines as unreachable for coverage reporting, use only in the following cases (and after double checking that the excludede code is correct):

  1. Failure cases in internal state assertions that should never fail

  2. Memory allocation failure handling


I’ve also started marking branches and failure cases as excluded when the propagate one of the cases mentioned earlier.

Use LCOV_EXCL_LINE in a comment to exclude a specific line.

Use LCOV_EXCL_START and EXC_EXCL_STOP in comments to exclude a block of code.

Use LCOV_BR_EXCL_LINE in a comment to exclude branch coverage for a specific line (the line containing a “if”, “for” or “while” keyword.

Test coverage for Python code in pyobjc-core

To collect coverage information first install coverage <https://coverage.readthedocs.io/>, then run:

$ python3 -mcoverage run --branch setup.py test --verbosity=3
$ python3 -mcoverage html --omit='PyObjCTest/*,setup.py'
$ open htmlcov/index.html

Alternatively use the “coverage” target in the Makefile

As with coverage for C code use coverage pragma’s sparingly.