
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This is a doctest
Using Cocoa collection classes

Cocoa contains a number of collection classes, including dictionaries and
arrays (like python lists) in mutable and immutable variations. We'll
demonstrate their usage using the ``NSMutableDictonary`` class.

We'll start by importing everything we need::

    >>> from Foundation import NSMutableDictionary

Then create an empty dictionary::

    >>> d = NSMutableDictionary.dictionary()
    >>> d
    >>> isinstance(d, dict)
    >>> isinstance(d, NSMutableDictionary)

You can add a new value using the Objective-C API::

    >>> d.setObject_forKey_(42, 'key2')
    >>> d
        key2 = 42;

But can also use the familiar python interface:

    >>> d['key1'] = 'hello'
    >>> d
        key1 = hello;
        key2 = 42;

The same is true for fetching elements::

    >>> d['key2']
    >>> d.objectForKey_('key1')
import doctest

import __main__

doctest.testmod(__main__, verbose=1)