API Notes: ApplicationServices framework

Apple documentation

The full API is described in Apple’s documentation, both the C and Objective-C APIs are available (but see the API Notes below).

API Notes

The ApplicationServices framework is an unbrella framework containing a number of other frameworks:

  • ATS

    The definitions for this framework (names starting with “ATS”) are not available in Python, all of them appear to be deprecated.

  • ColorSync

The definitions for this framework (names starting with “CM”) are not yet available in Python.

  • CoreGraphics

    This framework is primarily wrapped through the Quartz module in pyobjc-framework-Quartz, but all definitions are also available through the ApplicationServices module.

  • CoreText

    This framework is primarily wrapped through the CoreText module in pyobjc-framework-CoreText, but all definitions are also available through the ApplicationServices module.

  • HIServices

    This framework is fully supported. Definitions can be accessed through both the HIServices and the ApplicationServices modules (both part of pyobjc-framework-ApplicationServices

    AXValueGetValue is not yet supported, it requires a manual wrapper.

    The Internet Config API’s are not supported, they are deprecated and OSX 10.7 and are replaced by LaunchServices.

    The Process Manager Interfaces are not supported.

    The Icon Utilities and Icon Services Interfaces are not supported.

  • ImageIO

    This framework is primarily wrapped through the Quartz module in pyobjc-framework-Quartz, but all definitions are also available through the ApplicationServices module.

  • LangAnalysis

    This framework is deprecated and its definitions (names starting with “LA”) are not available in Python.

  • PrintCore

    The definitions for non-deprecated functions are available. The “PMObject” class in this framework is not a CoreFoundation or Objective-C class, and this means that users of the API are responsible for calling PMRetain and PMRelease where appropriate.

    The definitions related to Apple Evens (such as kPMPrintSettingsAEType) are not supported.

    PMPrintSettingsToOptions and PMPrintSettingsToOptionsWithPrinterAndPageFormat require manual bindings and is not yet supported.

  • QD

    This framework is deprecated an definitions in this framework are not available in Python.

  • SpeechSynthesis

    Definitions in the framework are not yet available in Python.


This framework is only available on macOS 10.9 and later.