API Notes: FSKit framework

The full API is described in Apple’s documentation, both the C and Objective-C APIs are available (but see the API Notes below).

These bindings are accessed through the FSKit package (that is, import FSKit).


This framework is available on macOS 15 and later

API Notes

  • -[FSMessageConnection logLocalizedMessage:table:bundle:arguments:]

    This method is not available in Python, use one of the other log methods instead.

  • -[FSTaskOptionsBundle bundleForArguments:count:extension:operationType:errorHandler:]

    This method is not available in Python at this time.

  • -[FSBlockDeviceResource readInto:startingAt:length:replyHandler:]

    The first argument must be a read-write buffer (such as an instance of memoryview) of at least length bytes,

  • -[FSBlockDeviceResource synchronousReadInto:startingAt:length:replyHandler:]

    The first argument must be a read-write buffer (such as an instance of memoryview) of at least length bytes,