API notes: Security framework

The full API is described in Apple’s documentation, both the C and Objective-C APIs are available (but see the API Notes below).

These bindings are accessed through the Security package (that is, import Security).

API Notes

Plugin API

The APIs related to authorization plugins are not exposed to python.

SecCodeRef, SecStaticCodeRef, SecRequirementRef

These CoreFoundation types are not available as named types in Python.

That is, it is possible to use instances of these types but there is no Python object that represent the type itself.

SecKeyCreatePair, SecKeyGenerate, SecKeyGetCSSMKey, SecKeyGetCSPHandle, SecKeyGetCredentials

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.


These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.


These lowlevel APIs are not available from Python.


This APIs are specialized and would require manual bindings. They are therefore not available from Python at this time.

Please file an issue at PyObjC’s issue tracker when you have a usecase for these APIs.

SecPolicyCreateWithOID, SecPolicyGetOID, SecPolicyGetValue, SecPolicySetValue, SecPolicyGetTPHandle, SecPolicySetProperties

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecIdentityCopyPreference, SecIdentitySetPreference

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecKeychainSearchGetTypeID, SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes, SecKeychainSearchCopyNext

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecPolicySearchGetTypeID, SecPolicySearchCreate, SecPolicySearchCopyNext

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecIdentitySearchCreate, SecIdentitySearchCopyNext

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SSLNewContext, SSLDisposeContext, SSLSetProtocolVersionEnabled, SSLGetProtocolVersionEnabled

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SSLSetProtocolVersion, SSLGetProtocolVersion

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SSLSetEnableCertVerify, SSLGetEnableCertVerify, SSLSetAllowsExpiredCerts, SSLGetAllowsExpiredCerts

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SSLSetAllowsExpiredRoots, SSLGetAllowsExpiredRoots, SSLSetAllowsAnyRoot, SSLGetAllowsAnyRoot

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SSLSetTrustedRoots, SSLCopyTrustedRoots, SSLCopyPeerCertificates

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SSLGetRsaBlinding, SSLSetRsaBlinding

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecKeychainItemExport, SecKeychainItemImport

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

CMSEncoderSetEncapsulatedContentType, CMSEncode

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecACLCreateFromSimpleContents, SecACLCopySimpleContents, SecACLSetSimpleContents, SecACLGetAuthorizations, SecACLSetAuthorizations

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecAccessCreateFromOwnerAndACL, SecAccessGetOwnerAndACL, SecAccessCopySelectedACLList

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecCertificateCreateFromData, SecCertificateGetData, SecCertificateGetType, SecCertificateGetSubject, SecCertificateGetIssuer

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecCertificateGetCLHandle, SecCertificateGetAlgorithmID, SecCertificateCopyPreference, SecCertificateSetPreference

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecKeychainGetCSPHandle, SecKeychainGetDLDBHandle

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecTrustSetParameters, SecTrustGetResult, SecTrustGetCssmResultCode, SecTrustGetCssmResult, SecTrustGetTPHandle

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecKeychainItemGetDLDBHandle, SecKeychainItemGetUniqueRecordID

These functions were deprecated in macOS and are not available from Python.

SecKeychainFindInternetPassword, SecKeychainFindGenericPassword

Don’t call SecKeychainItemFreeContent to free the password data, PyObjC does this for you and returns a standard bytes object.

Legacy KeychainItem API

The following functions are not available from Python because they are legacy APIs (soft deprecated) that require manual wrapping: SecKeychainItemCopyAttributesAndData, SecKeychainItemModifyAttributesAndData, SecKeychainItemFreeAttributesAndData, SecKeychainItemCopyContent, SecKeychainItemModifyContent, SecKeychainItemFreeContent.

Please file an issue at PyObjC’s issue tracker when you have a usecase for these APIs.

Legacy Keychain attribute API

The following functions are not available from Python because they are legacy APIs (soft deprecated) that require manual wrapping: SecKeychainAttributeInfoForItemID, SecKeychainFreeAttributeInfo.


The arguments rights and environment should be passed as tuples of AuthorizationItem values.


The information is returned as a tuple of AuthorizationItem (instead of specific type wrapping an AuthorizationItemSet), and it is not necessary to call AuthorizationFreeItemSet.


This function is automatically called as needed by PyObjC and is not exposed to Python.


The argument arguments should be a sequence of byte strings. PyObjC automatically adds a NULL value to the end of the array.

The function cannot be used with Python 3 at the moment, because there is no Python type corresponding to a FILE*. This will be fixed in a later version.