API Notes: DVDPlayer framework

Apple documentation

The full API is described in Apple’s documentation, both the C and Objective-C APIs are available (but see the API Notes below).

These bindings are accessed through the DVDPlayer package (that is, import DVDPlayer).

API Notes

DVDIsSupportedDevice, DVDSwitchToDevice, DVDSetVideoDevice, DVDGetVideoDevice

These 32-bit legacy APIs are not available from Python.

DVDSetVideoPort, DVDGetVideoPort, DVDSetVideoBounds, DVDGetVideoBounds, DVDGetVideoKeyColor

These 32-bit legacy APIs are not available from Python.

DVDDoMenuClick, DVDDoMenuMouseOver

These 32-bit legacy APIs are not available from Python.


This API is not available from Python. Use DVDGetMediaVolumeCFName instead.